Join us today for a deep dive into how social determinants of health, the non-medical influences that contribute to someone’s health outcomes, can be addressed with a preventive, population-based approach, like Geisinger’s Fresh Food Farmacy. Dr. Andrea Feinberg guides us through this topic, outlining her work as a critical care ICU doctor, a population health leader, and as the lead doctor addressing chronic diabetes and food insecurity in Pennsylvania’s communities through free meal programs and food education. The subsequent diabetes control results are striking, and serve as an example for further community-based approaches to healthcare.
More about Andrea Feinberg:

Andrea Feinberg is a clinician passionate about improving the health of communities through lifestyle medicine, primary care, and social determinants of health. She practiced Internal Medicine, Pulmonary & Critical Care, and later concierge medicine. While in Pennsylvania, she founded the innovative Fresh Food Farmacy which served “food as medicine” which was replicated by many nationwide. She is currently focused on philanthropy aimed at helping underserved populations.