Aired 2/13/2020


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Tune in as Dr. D’Artagnan Scorza talks about the key moments in his life —from studying abroad in South Africa to joining the military— that have shaped his worldview and perspective. Join Dr. Wendy Slusser as she talks to D’Artagnan about his life journey and the meaningful work that he is doing in own backyard and across the country to empower people and communities to thrive. 

More about Dr. D’Artagnan Scorza

D’Artagnan is a US Navy Iraq-War Veteran, double Bruin, Board President of the Inglewood Unified School District Board of Education, lecturer in the Fielding School of Public Health at UCLA  and the Founder and Executive Director of the Social Justice Learning Institute, a non-profit organization that works to help communities achieve health and educational equity. As Board President of the Inglewood Unified School District’s Measure GG Campaign, D’Artagnan helped secure $90 million in school improvement bonds to renovate Inglewood schools. He was also named a 2010 Education Pioneers Fellow and a 2013-2014 Business Alliance for Local Living Economies Fellow… But it’s not the titles or awards that make D’Artagnan such an inspirational person; it is his great sense of empathy and innate ability to empower others.