Semel HCI Health Equity Seminar Series

Fall 2020

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How does play relate to health equity?  Watch our panel moderated by Dr. Nicole featuring neuropsychologists, play experts and more!

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Universal access to fresh, healthy food is at the foundation of a healthy and equitable society. Join us to discuss: how can we move towards food and health justice?

Why Health Equity Seminars?

These are unprecedented times. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the attendant economic dislocations and heightened inequality arising from it, along with the urgent need to eliminate the structural racism that haunts our society have all combined in a way that will have a fundamental impact on higher education for decades, if not longer.

We believe at this moment in time, UCLA is uniquely situated to identify a path and build a healthy, economically just and anti-racist community for all.

Inspired by the 2020 Semel HCI Health Equity summit, the Semel Healthy Campus Initiative Center at UCLA is hosting a series of Health Equity Seminars from Fall 2020 to Spring 2021. Through this seminar series, we hope to provoke meaningful conversation and engagement around how our community can foster health and well-being while building empathy and reducing health inequities at UCLA and beyond.

We are kicking off our Health Equity Seminar Series with the virtual movie premiere of PLAYING FOR KEEPS followed by a panel discussion on how play relates to health equity.

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