UCLA Tobacco Free Task Force

2-648 Factor Building, UCLA School of Nursing

Join remotely via Zoom Meeting https://uclahs.zoom.us/j/322610586 One tap mobile +16699006833,,322610586# US (San Jose) +16468769923,,322610586# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 646 […]

Plant Worlds: A Brief History of Human Use of Cannabis

UCLA La Kretz Garden Pavilion, 707 Tiverton Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90095, Los Angeles, CA, 90095, US 900 Tiverton Dr, United States

Join Dr. Daniele Piomelli to explore humanity’s long and complex relationship with the cannabis plantClick here to view event series […]

Plant Worlds: The Flowering World

UCLA Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden, 707 Tiverton Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA 900 Tiverton Dr, United States

PlantWorlds at UCLA presents TheFlower World by UCLA Prof. David Shorter (04:30 to 06:00 pm) at theVisitor Center of the UCLABotanical Garden. Participation is free and open to any flower-lover, UCLAaffiliate […]

Semel HCI 2020 Celebration

Please save the date for the Semel Healthy Campus Initiative Center 2020 Celebration and help us in distributing amongst your […]

Semel HCI Center at UCLA Year-End Event in 2020 Focus

Online, healthy.ucla.edu/year-end-event/, US

To see detailed information for automatically created events like this one, use the official Google Calendar app. https://g.co/calendar This event was created from an email you received in Gmail. https://mail.google.com/mail?extsrc=cal&plid=ACUX6DMhd6BqlPSXrRl2hhKwSszdSh8HKZKAhaA

Semel HCI Year-End Event in 2020 Focus


You’re invited to the Semel Healthy Campus Initiative Center Year-End Event in 2020 Focus.  At the close of our centennial year, UCLA bands together in preserving the health and well-being […]

Virtual Semel HCI Center at UCLA Year-End Event in 2020 Focus

Virtual, healthy.ucla.edu/year-end-event/, US

To see detailed information for automatically created events like this one, use the official Google Calendar app. https://g.co/calendar This event was created from an email you received in Gmail. https://mail.google.com/mail?extsrc=cal&plid=ACUX6DMDnAW5GORVypsmL2BxADg1RiQFRWnCeBM