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Fat Is Not A Feeling: Discussion

February 6, 2018 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

I L M B W    K I C K O F F

MONDAY Feb 5th
Bruin Plaza || 10:30am-2:30pm
In partnership with Southern Smash, and Student Health Education & Promotion, sponsored by Reasons Eating Disorder Center

We are SMASHING SCALES! Loads of activities, as well as giveaways such as shirts, tote bags, stickers, temporary tattoos and more!

 G L O W – I N – T H E – D A R K       D A N C E   I T     O U T
Sunset Recreation Buenos Aires Room || 8:15-9:00pm
Participate in a cardio dance workout class to love and appreciate our bodies’ abilities to move and have fun!

F A T    I S   N O T    A    F E E L I N G        D I S C U S S I O N

Rieber Fireside Lounge || 6:30-7:30pm
At the open discussion, we hope to discuss the connotations associated with the word “fat” and why that might be in order to learn and share ways to respond to and reduce fat  talk.

B O D Y – P O S I T I V E          F A S H I O N        S H O W

De Neve Plaza Room || 7:00-8:00pm   Doors Open at 6:30 pm
We aim to embrace the beauty in every kind of body represented by different cultures, gender identities, sexual preferences, physical abilities and more by showcasing diverse students in a body-positive fashion show.

E A T I N G    D I S O R D E R    S U R V I V O R     P A N E L

Rieber Fireside Lounge || 7:00-8:00pm
We are hosting an open panel in which students will share their experiences with eating disorders in order to help raise awareness and break the stigma on eating disorders!

FRIDAY Feb 9th
E X P R E S S    Y O U R       S E L F – L O V E  A R T S        &       C R A F T S

Kerckhoff Art Gallery || 11:30am-2:30pm
Students are invited to express themselves and their self-love through different forms of art. We will have paint, canvases, coloring books, markers and colored pencils available for students to use creatively.


February 6, 2018
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Event Category: